Tuesday, February 7, 2017

All too often, those of us in ministry confuse our priorities.  Sometimes we put our children first, rather than our husband; or maybe we think about the church before we consider our family.  God placed things in a certain order, and we need to remember that!  Yes, God should come before all else; but sometimes we put the church in place of God and His will.  If our personal ministry in our family is not successful, how can we expect our public ministry to thrive?  Our lives need balance, in every aspect.  Take some time to evaluate what takes precedence in your life, and watch what God will do for you!

Friday, February 3, 2017


Hello!  Thank you for joining me on this new journey!  God has placed this ministry on my heart, and I'm excited to see where this road leads!  Ministry can get very lonely.  All too often we feel we are too young or too old, or we don't have anything in common with others in our churches, or we just feel we need commraderie with someone who knows first hand what we're dealing with.  No matter what the situation, this is a place you can come that is free from judgement and/or criticism!  We all need a "sanctuary", and that place is right here!  Thank you, once again, and I hope you find whatever you seek.